
2008-10-20 1:35 am

回答 (3)

2008-10-20 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案

但係最重要既係 "d錢係其他人" 呢個point
-唔好係洗黑錢wor, 一定要解釋得到.
-比錢你呢個人, 點解要比錢你先? 自己夠投資得喇.
-大家係咩關係? 仔比老豆好合理, 3唔識7就一定要有個合理reason.

仲之你要解釋到稅務局相信你先至得, 最好有evidence.

-個銀行account多了幾錢呢? 十萬同一百萬都好大分別, 應付同解釋又唔同.
-本身又有無property呢? 都會affect的.
-佢報左稅? 只有salary income? 獨資公司? 仲有無其他公司等?
再會給稅務專人or會計師take advise及handle報稅及保障解釋等.
希望幫到你, 有不明or需幫忙可e-mail我 [email protected]
參考: 專handle稅務
2008-10-28 2:14 am
Technically speaking, it is the issue whether these shares transactions constitute a trading in nature of itself. Long-term holding or short-term trading and its frequency. An issue of substance over form.
For shares dealing, it is a normal practice that if the account holder is a natural person and not of a legal person, limited company, apparently, these transactions could be considered as not for trading and not with a view for profit in nature. Just look around that there are so many transactions carried out by individual investors every day with gains or losses.
IRD will normally not eager to know the source of this trust money for the purposes of tax law. It is the issue of doubt why you have such a big sum of money likely earned from chargeable income. The onus of proof falls on you to prove the source or otherwise.
The issue of money laundering is not of a tax issue but of the concern of the Monetary Authority.
2008-10-20 4:34 pm
1. 你要證明多咗啲錢係人地俾你投資而唔係收入。
2. 你要證明啲錢嘅來源並非洗錢。
3. 視乎金額,點解啲人俾錢你去幫佢買自己唔買?
4. 中間你有無分紅,是否經常性做?
5. 你如果無投資顧問牌照﹝可向證監申請﹞,咁你可以俾政府同投資者告。

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