✔ 最佳答案
" Can you take a picture with me? "
<---- 這句比較 common ...好多人都會用依個句子
如果你想 polite D, 咁你就可以用下面個三句句子....
(1) "Could you take a picture with me?"
(2) "Would you take a picture with me?"
(3) "Would you mind taking a picture with me?"
如果你想更加 polite , 就請你起每個句子上都加上 "please"...
(1) " Can you take a picture with me please? "
(2) " Could you take a picture with me please?"
(3) " Would you take a picture with me please?"
(4) " Would you mind taking a picture with me please?"
如果你係問一D 你唔識嘅人同你影相...咁你就要加上 "Excuse me"....
(1) " Excuse me, can you take a picture with me please? "
(2) " Excuse me, could you take a picture with me please?"
(3) " Excuse me, would you take a picture with me please?"
(4) " Excuse me, would you mind taking a picture with me please?"
NOTES: 用 "photo" instead of "picture" 係中譯英....唔係唔得.....不過好少外國人會咁講
參考: 自己..... 10 年在加拿大生活所得的經驗