
2008-10-20 12:26 am
My sister ____[finish]secondary school last year.
點解5係was finishing而係finished呢
The bell rang,so Joseph went[go]to answer it.
點解5係was going係went呢

I saw Jeff in the park.He was sitting on the grass and was reading[read]a book.
Three people were standing on a balcony and shouting[shout] for help.
點解答案and後5加were shouting淨係 shouting呢

A:Did firemen come [firemen/come]immediately.
B:Yes,they did.They put[put] out the fire in 10 minutes.<點解in 10 minutes=長時間
答案5係were puting

The police arrived soon,and the ambulance took[take]her to Queen Mary Hospital<<點解5係was taking

回答 (1)

2008-10-24 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
My sister ____[finish]secondary school last year.
點解5係was finishing而係finished呢
回答: 因為呢句說話只係形容以前所發生既事情, 所以只需要用simple past tense. "was finishing"係過去進行式, 係用來表達以前發生緊某既事情既時候用. 例如) I was sleeping when my sister was having dinner. --> 當我睡覺的時候, 我的姊姊正在吃晚飯.

The bell rang,so Joseph went[go]to answer it.
點解5係was going係went呢
回答: 呢句句子只係講"個門鐘響(過去式), Joseph去應門(過去式)". 所以只需要用simple past tense. 如果用was going 既話個意思會變成"當個門鐘響, Joseph 當時正在應門". 但係要留意個句子有個連接詞"so", 所以事情發生有先後順序. 係個門鐘響, 所以Joseph就去應門. 所以唔應該用過去進行式, 因為兩件事情唔係同時進行.

I saw Jeff in the park.He was sitting on the grass and was reading[read]a book.
Three people were standing on a balcony and shouting[shout] for help.
點解答案and後5加were shouting淨係 shouting呢
回答: 兩句既用法都正確. 第一句亦可以寫成 He was sitting on the grass and reading a book. 第二句亦可以寫成Three people were standing on a balcony and were shouting for help. 以第二句為例, "and" 後面唔係were shouting淨係得shouting, 係因為"were shouting"中既"were"(verb to be)可以借用"and"之前既"were standing"既"were", 所以"and"之後既"were"可以省略令到句子冇咁累贅. 例如) I was eating an apple and drinking beer. = I was eating an apple and was drinking beer.

A:Did firemen come [firemen/come]immediately.
B:Yes,they did.They put[put] out the fire in 10 minutes.<點解in 10 minutes=長時間
答案5係were puting
回答: B句子既意思係消防員在10分鐘之內(in 10 minutes)撲滅了火災. 而"were putting out"係過去進行式, 但係呢句句子並唔係交代緊當消防員撲滅火災既時候發生緊咩事, 所以只需要用simple past tense.

The police arrived soon,and the ambulance took[take]her to Queen Mary Hospital<<點解5係was taking
回答: 解釋同之前相同. 句子既意思係"警察好快就到左, 同埋救護車送左佢去瑪麗醫院", 由於並唔係交代當一件事發生的時候,另一件事同時發生既情況, 所以用simple past tense就得喇

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