Networking problems

2008-10-20 12:25 am
Suppose a cellular telephony company bought two 7-MHz TV channels for its FDD/FDMA system.
a)How many EAMPS 30 KHz channels could it provide assuming a single cell per city?
b)How many if the city were divided into 60 hexagonal cells, and no two adjacent cells used the same frequencies?
c)What is the increase in the number of available channels using cellular telephony?
d)Recompute the increase factor if the city were divided into 600 hexagonal cells.

回答 (3)

2008-10-20 1:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可先把 7Mhz / 30 KHz.之後你用Re-Use factor去計hexagonal cells.
2008-10-23 6:25 am
I want to know too~
2008-10-20 9:14 am
Are you a CS5222 student??

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