
2008-10-20 12:00 am

回答 (3)

2008-10-24 12:18 am
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In English:
Penguin In the world the altogether 1 7 kind of penguins, they all distribute in the southern hemisphere; The South Pole and the Asian South Pole area approximately has 8 kinds, reproduces in the Antarctica seacoast has 2 kinds, other between Antarctica seacoast and Asian South Pole's islands. The penguin often appears by the enormous number's tribal grouping tribal group, holds the South Pole area 85% sea-bird quantity.when in 1620 France's sign arranged in order Captain (Beaulieu) in the penguin which the African south tip of startled will see for the first time will dive tours preys on, said that it was 'has the feather fish'. Its principal food is the small fish and the krill, the natural enemy is the seal and the murder whale; The thief gull will attack its chick and preys on penguin's egg. Penguin usually very longevity, if the king penguin may reach 20-30 years old!Is the same with the ostrich, the penguin is the birds which a crowd will not fly. Although present's penguin cannot fly, but according to the fossil demonstration's material, the earliest penguin is can fly!! 6 5 ten thousand years ago, their wing evolves Cheng Neng to launch slowly the swimming fin extremity, becomes penguin which at present we see. Ancient times's penguin type are much more than the present, was only afterward planted; And one kind once existed the penguin has 6 foot high nearly, 300 pound heavy.   The major part person thought that the penguin only lives in the cold South Pole (please do note: Northern Hemisphere does not have the penguin) in fact to have two kind of penguins is the true life in the Antarctica

2008-10-23 16:21:19 補充:

   和 鴕 鳥 一 樣 , 企 鵝 是 一 群 不 會 飛 的 鳥 類 。 雖 然 現 在 的 企 鵝 不 能 飛 , 但 根 據 化 石 顯 示 的 資 料 , 最 早 的 企 鵝 是 能 夠 飛 的 哦 !! 直 到 6 5 萬 年 前 , 牠 們 的 翅 膀 慢 慢 演 化 成 能 夠 下 水 游 泳 的 鰭 肢 , 成 為 目 前 我 們 所 看 到 的 企 鵝 。 古 代 的 企 鵝 種 類 比 現 在 多 很 多 , 只 是 後 來 都 絕 種 了 ; 其 中 一 種 曾 經 存 在 的 企 鵝 幾 乎 有 6 呎 高 , 300 磅 重 。
參考: 一名博士
2008-10-20 12:15 am
what is your Q
2008-10-20 12:13 am
where is your question? I am happy to help you.
參考: me. sorry

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