
2008-10-19 9:17 pm

回答 (2)

2008-10-28 11:30 pm
First: Open an account with an ADSL server of your choice.

Hardware needed: ADSL modem (comes with phone lines)
Router with 4 ports for CAT-5 cable connection.
2 CAT-5 cables

Step One: Hardware setup

Connect modem to phone wall socket. Connect cable between modem and router.
Connect the 2 CAT-5 cables from back of router to each of the LAN cards at the back of your computers.

Step two: Software setup

Insert the setup CD's for modem and install. Repeat for router into each of the computers. Follow prompt to install and configure. Your internet server might be able to support you on phone if you are stuck.

Bonus for you: when both computers are surfing on the net, you can configure each computer through the TCP/IP in Windows to set up networking between your computers. Then you can transfer files/folders or any data between them at super fast speed. Great for back up's. If you buy router with wireless capability, you can surf on wireless laptop as well. Try to learn how to setup routers for desktop and laptops.

Good luck
參考: Self taught through lots of trial and error. Remember: No pain No gain
2008-10-28 9:38 pm
參考: 自己

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