
2008-10-19 10:42 am
Please look at this question and the respond from the people who asked the question :
Please help and tell me how we can stop such disguisting act in this forum.
Thank you, everyone !!

回答 (4)

2008-10-22 9:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
When such disgusting act happens, both ways can be used to stop it.
1) Reporting to Yahoo Administraation
2) Placing your negative comment against the troublemaker at the opinion box, reminding people to be cautious and wise not to respond any Yahoo questions under the specific questioner
It will be more effective if more people participate. To insult people in the ways of cursing, violence, etc, simply shows oneself being barbaric. It is unexcusable unless he/she apologizes. In case of the Yahoo's answer being not helpful, it may be better to remove the question, put to voting system, extend the time frame hoping to get more answers, rather than choosing it as a best answer and giving an insulting comment.
Hopefully, the said case was not common. Instead, most questioners are polite and thankful to the answerers in return.
On the contrary, there seems lots of dispute between the rival answerers, and the malicious comments on the best answerers by certain groups of people intentionally. Is it the human instinct in doing so?
Last but not least, if anyone opposing to my opinion, please send your negative comments in a decent manner and avoid using the word "garbage", and anything insulting. This place, not a war field, should be peaceful and knowledgeable.

2008-10-22 01:20:36 補充:
採用雙管膂下方法, 1) 檢舉, 2) 在意見箱批評指責,並提醒大家切勿回應那些人發出的
問題,以免受辱, 越多人參加此舉,效用越大。

2008-10-22 01:31:38 補充:
無理及粗言駡人,只會自暴其醜,若不滿意那答案,可移除問題, 交付投票等等,也不應侮
辱他人。 希望那些只是少數個案, 大部份的發問者都是有禮貌的。

2008-10-22 01:42:32 補充:
除此以外,反為那些答問題者之間的 爭端及一些無風三呎浪的問題較多。例如: 惡意
批評觸怒及報復 他人, 等等。
2014-07-18 6:20 pm
2008-10-19 7:12 pm
I have already reported to Yahoo. But seems Yahoo is not able to deal with this kind of problem. No response from them at all!

2008-10-28 02:55:14 補充:
To eicachan :

Thank you for your opinion.

But I am a little reserved on your comment of 心存容人之量,也是修身養性之道。May be you can give me any example ?
2008-10-19 3:18 pm

2008-10-26 08:37:58 補充:
To Baggio的意见


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