
2008-10-19 6:59 am
Today is Sunday.It is a fine day. Sam Ho is going on a picnic with family.

Mr Ho is preparing the food.They have cheese,ham,bread and milk.He is going to make some sandwiches.Mrs Ho issitting under a tree and reading a newspaper.Jenny,Sam's sister is trying to fly a kite.She looks angry because she does not know to fly it.Henry is Sam's younger brother.He is chasing a grasshopper.He is jumping and laughing.He is enjoying himself very much.

Now,the food is ready.They all sit down and eat it.

1.Is it a fing day?

2.What is Mr Ho doing?

3.Where is Mrs Ho?

4.Why is jenny angry?

5.What is Henry chasing?

6.How does he fell?

多謝咁多位網友幫手呀 我都好難選擇邊位係最滿意 唯有以最先答我果位為最佳滿意答案啦 其他既網友請見諒呀

回答 (5)

2008-10-19 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Is it a fing (fine) day?

ans.: Yes, it is.

2.What is Mr Ho doing?

ans.: He is preparing the food.

3.Where is Mrs Ho?

ans.: She is sitting under the tree.

4.Why is jenny angry?

ans.: It is because she does not know how to fly a kite.

5.What is Henry chasing?

ans.: He is chasing a grasshopper.

6.How does he fell (feel)?

He feels happy.
2008-10-23 7:11 am
1.Is it a fing (fine) day?

ans.: Yes, it is.

2.What is Mr Ho doing?

ans.: He is preparing the food.

3.Where is Mrs Ho?

ans.: She is sitting under the tree.

4.Why is jenny angry?

ans.: It is because she does not know how to fly a kite.

5.What is Henry chasing?

ans.: He is chasing a grasshopper.

6.How does he fell (feel)?

He feels happy.
參考: BOOK
2008-10-19 8:27 am
1. Yes, it is.
2. He is preparing the food of the picnic.
3. She is sitting under the tree.
4. It is because she does not know how to fly a kite.
5. He is chasing a grasshopper.
6. He feels happy.
參考: Myself
2008-10-19 7:21 am
1. It is a fing day.
2. Mr Ho is preparing the food.
3. Mrs Ho is sitting under a tree and reading a newspaper.
4. Because Jenny does not know to fly a kite.
5. Henry is chasing a grasshopper.
6. He fells happy.
2008-10-19 7:17 am
1.Is it a fing day (我諗係 fine, 唔係 fing)?
It is indeed a fine day.
2.What is Mr Ho doing?
Mr. Ho is preparing the food for a picnic.

3.Where is Mrs Ho?
Mrs Ho is sitting under a tree reading a newspaper.
4.Why is jenny angry?
Jenny is angry because she is trying to fly a kite but she does not know to fly it.
5.What is Henry chasing?
Henry is chasing a grasshopper.
6.How does he fell (我諗係 feel, 唔係 fell)?
Henry is feeling happy and enjoying himself very much.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici

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