What is the cause of urban encroachment城市蠶食? (20點)

2008-10-18 9:29 pm
What is the cause of urban encroachment In HK? (城市蠶食)

Your ANS can be English or Chinese.

English will be better.

Pls give me the REFERENCE and some examples.




回答 (2)

2008-10-19 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Causes of Urban encroachment In HK:

Increase in population due to post-war baby boom and immigration from Mainland China. Lack of facilities and infrastructure and the economic development lead to increase in living standdard. So the demand for housing increases.

For example, farmlands in the rural areas are converted into urban land uses. Since urban lands have higher land value than rural areas, many land owners sell the land to the land speculators(private developers or the government).

As a result, many problems are carried out by urban encroachment.(I am listing the problems as you are asking the causes.) To minmize the impacts of urban encroachment have brought, the HK government carried out the New Town Programme in 1973, in order to increase land supply to cope with increasing demand for land due to increase in population.

Examples in HK which under the influences of urban encroachment: Sha Lo Tung(沙羅洞)
"Sha Lo Tung occupies more than 80 hectares of land area, and this basin is surrounded by Pat Sin Leng Country Park. The local villagers make their living by growing crops, and their villages are surrounded by the farmlands. About 20 years ago, some developers purchased land from the villagers, and decided to turn these farmlands and villagers' houses into golf courses and low-density residential areas."

Examples in HK which the New Town Programme is carried out:
1st generation(early 1970s)--Tsuen Wan, Sha Tin, Tuen Mun
2nd generation(late 1970s)--Yuen Long, Fanling-Sheungshui, Tai Po
3rd generation(1980s and later)--Tseung Kwan O, Tin Shui Wai, Tung Chung-Tai Ho
參考: my geog knowledge (I study Geog)
2008-10-24 8:15 pm
城市蠶食係指於城市發展的過程之中, 在城市邊緣的地方的鄉村用地, 在未經合適的規劃之前便用作城市發展用途。由於在過程中沒有經過謹慎的規劃, 所以一般的城市蠶食都係問題多多 (例如有land use conflict--- 土地利用衝突)
城市延伸係指一個城市, 在面積上有所增加。係單從被用作城市用途的, 土地面積上的增加。是一個較中性的形容詞。

近郊化係指原本在市中心所住的嗰批人, 因為收入高左, 及生活質素好左, 所以有時搬去城郊的地方去住。基本上係個正面的用字。


2008-10-24 12:15:58 補充:
Examples in HK which under the influences of urban encroachment: Sha Lo Tung"Sha Lo Tung occupies more than 80 hectares of land area, and this basin is surrounded by Pat Sin Leng Country Park.

2008-10-24 12:16:14 補充:
To minmize the impacts of urban encroachment have brought, the HK government carried out the New Town Programme.

2008-10-24 12:16:49 補充:
Lack of facilities and infrastructure and the economic development lead to increase in living standdard.
About 20 years ago, some developers purchased land from the villagers, and decided to turn these farmlands and villagers.

2008-10-24 12:18:55 補充:

http://www.lcp.edu.h k/teaching/geog/01.htm

This website has many pointpoint. It introduce many grog knowledge.eg:城市蠶食

2008-10-24 12:21:07 補充:
城市延伸係指一個城市, 在面積上有所增加。係單從被用作城市用途的, 土地面積上的增加。是一個較中性的形容詞。

近郊化係, 原本在市中心所住的嗰批人, 因為收入高左, 及生活質素好左, 所以有時搬去城郊的地方去住。基本上係個正面的用字。

城市蠶食係指, 於城市發展的過程之中, 在城市邊緣的地方的鄉村用地, 在未經合適的規劃之前便用作城市發展用途。由於在過程中沒有經過謹慎的規劃, 所以一般的城市蠶食都係問題多多 (例如有land use conflict--- 土地利用衝突)
參考: , http://www.lcp.edu.h k/teaching/geog/01.htm

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