is it right to call your child jesus?

2008-10-17 1:19 pm
i was shocked to find it as like number 70 something in the top baby names for the US.

Is it right to call your kid jesus, as a mark of respect and love.
Or is it just wrong, to use his name for anyone.

i mean i think it's plain disrespectful, idk why; to name your child after the son of God; especially if you don't believe in Jesus.

any thoughts?

thanks for all your answers. i totally except that it's fine to call your kid jesus if its hispanic, cultural and pronounced differently. muslim people have always had kids called mohammed, whereas "jesus" has only come back into fashion in the last year or two, and i just fear that it's become part of the whole "unique, different" names fad, people who will have kids called "jesus mackenzie" thats what i don't like tbh.

回答 (36)

2008-10-17 3:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In Biblical days Jesus was a very common name. the Hebrew equivalent is Joshua and he probably would have been called Yeshua by his family.

I'm not sure how i feel about American's naming their sons that, i don't think it's flat out disrespectful (and i'm a Christian) but i know i wouldn't do it. i agree that ppl doing it just out of fad that may be stretching it a bit. i'd feel weird being like "Hey Jesus... Smith wanna come over and play?" idk. it's weird but i wouldn't say it's plain wrong.
2008-10-17 1:25 pm
Most kids named Jesus are hispanic, and hispanics are known for being Catholic and very's not rude, it's homage to their religion. Like, my dad is hispanic and he has 7 sisters, and they're all named Mary (we call them by their middle names).

It's a cultural thing. Be a little more open-minded, would you?
2008-10-17 1:24 pm
It could be ranked so high because it is a very popular Hispanic name...
2008-10-17 1:26 pm
It's pronounced Hey-Zeus, not Jesus. The spelling is the same, but that's's not disrespectful, just a popular Spanish name.
2008-10-17 1:26 pm
It's an Hispanic name - so the people in the USA are most likely of South American descent.

Can't see the problem with it. It's just a word.
2008-10-17 1:23 pm
whats disrespectful about it? its a name get over it
2008-10-17 1:28 pm
do you feel the same way about the name Mary? or Joseph?
i dont know how it can be disrespectful, i think naming a child after someone is the highest form of respect.
In countries like Brazil its a very popular name.
參考: Due in two days with Nathaniel Joseph (Joseph after his late grandfather)
2008-10-17 1:26 pm
Its better than Hitler, starling, Osma, saddam and George! lol

I don't see whats wrong with naming your child Jesus, does it say you shouldn't in the bible?? bible names are very commonly used whats wrong with the main one?
2008-10-17 1:25 pm
its spelt jesus but its pronounced something like Heysus, and it makes no difference to me, live and let live is my motto.
2008-10-17 1:23 pm
I agree with you. In my opinion, it seems sort of like blasphemy.
2008-10-17 1:26 pm
2008-10-17 1:27 pm
no, it's common umong the hispanic and latin american communities. i dont think any atheists would name their child jesus.
2008-10-17 1:28 pm
It is a very popular Spanish name and considering a large section of Americans are Spanish hence the name. They pronounce it HEY-SU anyway so not blasphemous. It would be wrong if they started comparing their kid to Jesus mind you.
2008-10-17 1:27 pm
You are entitled to call your kid what you want, Jesus is a name so it can be used.
Why should people not name their child Jesus if they don't believe in Jesus ? Just because Jesus was a person in a religion its still only a name and if people did not believe in that particular Jesus why would it be treated as a sign of disrespect because how can you disrespect someone that you don't believe in ? He is not around anymore for anyone to give factual evidence he even existed.

Personally I would not name my kid Jesus as I don't like the name, not out of disrespect, it just would not go with my surname, but if the son of god was called Colin or Wayne, yes I would definatley think about naming my child after him !
2008-10-17 1:24 pm
Not trying to disrespect religion but Jesus is just a name..It wasn't the name that makes Jesus who he is to so many people, it's what he did. There were people named Jesus before the son of God and there was after, before it was known who/what he was. I don't see it as disrespectful at all.
2008-10-17 1:26 pm
no i think it should be banned!!!!!
2008-10-17 1:29 pm
It's better than calling the little bugger SATAN !

But if you really think he is the son of God.......go ahead call him Jesus.
2008-10-17 1:32 pm
Why not? It was a common name in those far off days 2000 odd years ago.
2008-10-17 1:30 pm
It is very common in Spanish speaking countries, and I would guess most americans with that name are Hispanic and pronounce it like hay-SOOS rather than JEE-zus. Most people who would give their child the name Jesus are religious.

Jesus existed as a Hebrew name before Christ. That's why he as known as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus son of Joseph, to distinguish him from other Jesuses at the time. It is a variation of Joshua.

Is it any different than Muslims naming their child Mohammed/Muhammad after their prophet? Or naming your child after other prophets like Isaiah, Samuel, Sarah, Abraham, etc?
2008-10-17 1:28 pm
Jesus (pronounced Hay Zeus) is pretty common in Latino culture. However, I could not imagine naming a child Jesus (as in the Christian savior). I don't agree with it, but that's just my opinion.
2008-10-17 1:36 pm
I don't know any Americans that use it but Spanish people use it like CRAZY! lol
2008-10-17 1:47 pm
I totally agree with you i think that it is not right to call your child Jesus.
2008-10-17 1:47 pm
Personally i wouldn't because its kinda disrespectful and jesus was like a one and only but also Jesus was and still is a very very popular i unfortunately do not know what it means exactly but i no it very popular
2008-10-17 1:36 pm
usually when a kid is named Jesus it is pronouced differently...
spanish is hey-seuss
2008-10-17 1:30 pm
It is just a name and anyone can use it if they feel like it. People may feel like it is blasphemy but they can't change it it's not their choice. If you don't like it then don't call your child it but don't get angry if other people call their child jesus because it's not your choice and it can mean a lot to them.
2008-10-17 1:28 pm
It is a common name in some cultures and as common as Mark and Susan in the UK or US for example.

If someone was to use it in an area/culture where it was uncommon (such as the UK) then there are issues associated with it. Namely, the effect the name will have on the child through their schooling and early life.
2008-10-17 1:29 pm
The name Jesus, is nothing more than a name.

The name Jesus was around a lot longer than the so called son of God was. If the son of God was called Jim, would you think it wrong to call anyone else born to this planet, Jim?

It's just a name.
2008-10-17 1:23 pm
It's just a name, some may like it, some may not, some find it important to them and hold it in dearest respect, others think it's just a name.
2008-10-17 3:06 pm
Not in the US. It is a very common name in Latin America. I went to school with many of them when I was a kid (I'm from Puerto Rico). I personally wouldn't do it even if I still lived back home.
2008-10-17 2:44 pm
I know! It does seem a bit strange. When I was pregnant with my youngest I was in a due date club with a woman who named her baby after his father so he was called Jesus junior. How bizarre is that!
It does seem a bit disrespectful to me
2008-10-17 2:35 pm
I'm not sure. I'm torn on this one. I kinda think it's wrong b/c it's like you're saying you gave birth to Jesus, but also it could be sweet to name your child after Jesus, so I'm not sure.
2008-10-17 1:33 pm
yes, you are right.
but for me, i think calling your child by the name "Jesus" is not bad. because for me, it is a way of showing that you love Jesus and that you respect Him a lot.
2008-10-17 1:29 pm
its okay, as long he doesnt grow up rude.
2008-10-17 1:29 pm
In some parts of the world Jesus is a common name & pronounced differently, so I don't see anything wrong there. You could argue that it's wrong to have your child named after one of the disciples too, but those names are in common existence.
2014-04-11 6:39 pm
I'm not Mexican. If I named my child Jesus which I wish I had. I would not let anyone call him Hey-Zeus. They would call him Jesus and I would make sure to make his middle name Christ which means anointed one so there is no confusion. I have not as yet EVER met anyone named Jesus that went by the correct pronunciation. Its a powerful name. People who are not saved do not want to hear it uttered. Maybe we can make it a popular name in this coming generation. it actually is a cool name. Maybe it could stir about a revival. never know. :)
2008-10-17 1:50 pm
I think Jesus Christ will be flattered if you name you son after him :) It is just a name, its not like your trying to make your son Jesus Christ. Why not?

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