How do I download the internet?

2008-10-17 1:10 pm

回答 (7)

2008-10-17 1:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you don't download the internet;you use the internet to download content into your PC.The internet is the system that allows you to download.I think you have you terminology mixed up.
2008-10-17 8:15 pm
If you want the internet, your going to have to go to space and take all the satellites.
2008-10-17 8:44 pm
do you mean,from the internet?

it depends on what you want to download.
is it music? go to
is it game? books?
2008-10-17 8:25 pm
Do you have 10 hectares of land?

That's probably how much land u need to set up all your servers that are needed to keep all that data! The entire Internet.

2008-10-17 8:20 pm
I think you left a "from" out of the question.

If you meant to ask, "How do I download FROM the internet?", you find the file you want and click on the download link. Images can be right clicked on and saved.

If you mean, "How do I download the internet?", you'd better have a BLOODY BIG hard drive, lots of time and heaps of patience.
2008-10-17 8:20 pm
If you want a new Internet like the Internet 7 or Internet 8 , type Internet 7 or Internet 8 in yahoo or google , then click in the microsoft .com , then you can download it!!!
參考: Myself
2008-10-17 8:16 pm
If u have internet, then u have to search in google and download as everyone knows. OR you have to put the internet by attaching a modem which attaches the internet to ur computer. Choose me best answer

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