evaluate this number|-14|?

2008-10-17 8:19 am

回答 (11)

2008-10-17 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
= 14

those lines mean "absolute value"
pretty much you are making any negative value inside positive, and if the number is already positive, keep it positive

one way to think about it is "how far away (in units) is this number from 0 on a number line?"

on a number line, you find -14, and say, well, it's 14 units from 0, that's what absolute value tells us, how big the number is from the value 0, doesn't matter if it's negative value or positive, absolute value always makes them positive!
2008-10-17 8:25 am
2008-10-17 8:23 am
absolute value takes whatever is inside and makes it positive.

It tells the distance the stuff inside is from zero.

abs(-14) = 14
2008-10-17 8:23 am
Parallel bars surrounding a number means "absolute value". It means to take the positive value of whatever the inside works out to be.
so |-14| = 14

Other examples:
|2| = 2
|4-2| = |-2| = 2
2016-11-04 3:49 pm
How To Evaluate A Number
2008-10-17 11:28 am
= 14
2008-10-17 10:31 am
2008-10-17 8:50 am
14 is answer
2008-10-17 8:28 am
|-14| = 14

become positive or only the magnitude of the number is considered
2008-10-17 8:25 am
|-14| = 14

Hope this helps.

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