升降機發生故障 英文係咩?

2008-10-18 4:56 am
我想用英文告訴鬼佬 現在電梯發生故障..英文係咩? 用malfunction定break down?

The lift is broken down. <<<對嗎?

回答 (6)

2008-10-18 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
lift 同elevator 都係電梯,不過lift係英式講法,elevator係美式講法

如果你話The lift is broken down個位外國人會明,不過文法就不太對,正確文法係The lift has broken down.因為已經壞左所以要用has+verb的presebtt perfect(現在完成式)。

唔可以用is broken down,因為is+verb係一個被動式,如果你想咁講就要加埋邊個整壞個電梯.如The lift is broken down by a boy.

最簡單電梯發生故障的講法係"The lift is out of order."

2008-10-17 22:16:11 補充:
現在完成式係present perfect tense,打錯,sorry
參考: me, me
2008-10-22 5:09 am
The lift is broken down. <<<對嗎?

The lift is broking down now.

2008-10-18 6:14 pm
告訴鬼佬: The lift has got mechanical problem. It is now out of service.(電梯發生故障,現在停止服務)。

2008-10-18 11:14 am

If you wanna say it to a white man, you may just tell him that

" The lift is out of order at the moment. I am afraid (that) you will have to
take the stairs." <--------- For a Brit
The life has broken down.I am afraid that you will need to take the stairs.<-----For a British bloke too. ( You may use present perfect tense here .)

The elevator ( " lift " in American English)
}broke down. You are gonna have to take the stairs. <-- For a yankee

Note: In the states, the Americans tend to use simple past tense
instead of
present perfect tense in this case.

What if your friend is an aussie, you may simply talk to him in either British English or American English.
Believe it or not, Aussies do not care much about English grammar.
I myself met tons of them in the past.


2008-10-18 03:16:02 補充:
The lift has broken down.I am afraid that you will need to take the stairs.<-----For a British bloke too. ( You may use present perfect tense here .)******* Sorry! I mistyped the word " lift" here.
2008-10-18 6:24 am
Lift failure
2008-10-18 5:23 am
life 係解電梯,


The elevator is out of order!


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