English Questions

2008-10-18 4:48 am
Combine these sentences using"instead of".

1)We didn't rent a movie. We rented a video game.

2)Jeremy didn't take fencing lessons. He took ballet.

3)We didn't buy crisps. We bought crakers.

4)Mum didn't buy me a scarf. She bought gloves.


回答 (6)

2008-10-18 8:56 pm
1.Instead of renting a moive we, rented a video game.
2.Instead of takeing a fencing lesson, Jeremy took ballat.
3.Instead of buying crisps, we bought crakers.
4.Instead of buying me a scarf, she bought ma a pair of gloves.

It has lots of ways to combine a sentences using "instead of".
參考: ME.................WHO LIVE IN Australia 20 YEARS
2008-10-18 10:09 am

1) We rented a video game instead of a movie.

2) Jeremy took ballet instead of fencing lessons.
3) We bought crackers instead of crisps.

4) (My )mum bought gloves instead of a scarf.

Actually we can write something like " My mum bought gloves instead of buying a scarf" too.( Grammatically correct too here, but the sentence is too heavy.)

Since I do not like these kinds of heavy sentences, I 'd rather use the four sentences above .


2008-10-18 02:11:22 補充:
4) Mum bought me gloves instead of a scarf.****************

2008-10-18 02:12:28 補充:
Actually we can write something like " Mum bought me gloves instead of buying a scarf" too.( Grammatically correct too here, but the sentence is too heavy.)**********
2008-10-18 7:42 am
1) We rented a video game instead of a movie.
2) Jeremy took ballet instead of fencing lessons.
3) We bought crakers instead of crisps.
4) Mum bought me a pair of gloves instead of a scarf.
參考: myself
2008-10-18 7:34 am
1) We didn't rent a movie. We rented a video-game instead.

2) Jeremy didn't take fencing lessons. He took ballet instead.

3) We didn't buy crisps. We bought crackers instead.

4) Mum didn't buy me a scarf. She bought me a pair of gloves instead.
參考: me
2008-10-18 5:06 am
1. We rented a video game instead of a movie.
2. Jeremy took ballet lessons instead of fencing.
3. We bought crakers instead of crisps.
4. Mum bought me gloves instead of a scarf.

唔需要每句個動詞 (verb) repeat
eg 1. 應該係 We rented a video game instead of a movie.
而唔係 We rented a video game instead of rented a movie.
參考: 自己
2008-10-18 4:59 am
1).We rented a video game instead of rented a movie.

2). He/Jeremy took ballet instead of took fencing lessons.

3). We bought crakers instead of bought crisps.

4).She/Mum bought me gloves instead of bought me a scarf.

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