
2008-10-18 2:46 am

回答 (3)

2008-10-19 2:57 am
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UFO 是指不明飛行物,但沒有人真正知道 UFO 是什麼。許多研究者(稱為「幽浮學家」)提出了 UFO 可能是什麼的理論,但因為沒有人能夠在科學實驗室裡面仔細檢查 UFO,所以這些想法只不過是理性的猜測而已。然而,我們可以提供 UFO 的定義,可能對您研究此一課題有所幫助。

  UFO 是指在天上或地上的物體或光,其外觀、軌跡、行動、行動狀況、燈光及顏色,無法給予有邏輯、正常或自然的解釋,而且不但原先的目擊者無法解釋,甚至檢驗過證據的科學家或技術專家也無法用常理的鑑定來解釋。

UFO 各種形狀和大小都有,有些只是在夜空中移動方式而奇怪的小光點而已,這些稱為夜間光點,也是最常有人報告的 UFO 類型。夜間光點並非真的值得研究,因為目擊者只看得到很少的細節;沒有細節,UFO 研究人員就無法學到任何新東西。白天所看見的遙遠物體,常常是盤子,或醬油碟的形狀,稱為日間飛碟。

當 UFO 更靠近目擊者的時候(500 呎之內),這類的目擊稱為近距離接觸。這種近距離接觸有三種,分別稱為 CE-1,CE-2,以及 CE-3(綁架的情形有時叫做 CE-4)。在近距離接觸時,目擊者會報告看見像醬油碟、回力鏢、球型、鑽石型、雪茄型、三角形,或是其他奇形怪狀的 UFO。它們有明亮的燈光,有時是紅色,有時白色,有時候則是五顏六色。

目擊者報告的 UFO 速度差異很大,UFO 可以靜靜盤旋很久,然後以高速飛走,當然比一般的飛行器快得多;也可能慢慢地越過天空,或是做出令人難以置信的移動方式,例如直角轉彎,而且速度很快。我們不知道 UFO 使用的動力,或是為什麼它們有這麼好的機動性。

有一些無庸置疑的真實 UFO 照片,而許多所謂的 UFO 照片其實是自然的現象(例如奇形怪狀的雲)或是照相機有光漏進來,或是在沖洗照片的時候所造成的瑕疵。有些照片是蓄意的騙局,是因為有人想要你相信他們的確看過 UFO;這原因可能很多,例如要出名、騙錢、或是要提倡宗教或哲學的個人觀點。最好的幾張 UFO 照片,有 1950 年在美國奧勒岡州的 McMinnville 拍的,1954 年在法國 Rouen 拍的,1958 年在巴西的海域上拍的;以及 1951 年在德州的 Lubbock 拍的。也有在紐約的哈德遜谷區以及比利時拍的 UFO 的錄影帶。這些照片可以在許多 UFO 的書中找得到。

2008-10-18 19:36:24 補充:
UFO refers to the unidentified flying object, but nobody knew truly UFO is any.Many researchers (were called “float scientist to propose quiet”)

2008-10-18 19:37:09 補充:
UFO possibly was any the theory, but because nobody could inspect UFO carefully inside the scientific laboratory, therefore these ideas were the rational guess.However, we may provide UFO the definition, possibly studies this topic to you to have the help.

2008-10-18 19:37:42 補充:
UFO is refers in the space either the ground object or the light, its outward appearance, the path, the motion, the motion condition, the light and the color, are unable to give have logic, normal or the natural explanation.

2008-10-18 19:37:53 補充:
Not only moreover the original eyewitness is unable to explain, even has examined the evidence scientist or the technical expert is also unable with the common sense to decide explained.

2008-10-18 19:38:15 補充:
UFO each kind of shape and the size all have, but some only is moves the way in the nighttime sky the strange small luminous spot, these are called at night luminous spot, also is the UFO typewhich the most common person reported.

2008-10-18 19:38:37 補充:
The luminous spot by no means really is worth studying at night, because eyewitness only looked obtains the very few details; Does not have the detail, the UFO researcher to assume the post the He Xin thing on the non-legal science.

2008-10-18 19:38:46 補充:
Daytime sees the remote object, is frequently a tray, or the sauce-boat shape, is called during the day the flying saucer.

2008-10-18 19:38:59 補充:
When UFO approaches eyewitness's time (in 500 feet), this kind witnessed is called the short distance contact.This kind of short distance contact has three kinds, is called CE-1, CE-2 separately, as well as CE-3 (kidnapping situation sometimes is called CE-4).

2008-10-18 19:39:17 補充:
When short distance contact, eyewitness can report the visible sauce-boat, returns to the strength dart likely, the ball, the diamond, the cigar, the triangle, perhaps other grotesque UFO.They have the bright light, sometimes is red, sometimes the white, sometimes is colorful.

2008-10-18 19:39:49 補充:
The eyewitness account UFO speed difference is very big, UFO may calmly circle very for a long time, then by flies away high speed, certainly is much quicker than the common flight vehicle.

2008-10-18 19:39:53 補充:
Also possiblyslowly crossed the sky, perhaps makes the incredible motion way, for example quarter turn, moreover the speed is very quick.

2008-10-18 19:40:07 補充:
We did not know the UFO use the power, perhaps why they do have the such good mobility.

2008-10-18 19:40:46 補充:
Has real UFO picture which some does not need doubt, but many so-called UFO pictures are actually the natural phenomenon (e.g. grotesque cloud).

2008-10-18 19:41:55 補充:
Perhaps the photographic camera have the light to leak in, perhaps in flushing picture time creates slight defect.Some pictures are the premeditated frauds, is because some people want you to believe they indeed have looked at UFO.

2008-10-18 19:42:20 補充:
This reason very are possibly many, for example must become famous, cheat out of money, perhaps must advocate religious or the philosophy individual viewpoint.

2008-10-18 19:42:33 補充:
The best several UFO picture, some in 1950 forced the post state in the American Austria McMinnville to pat, in 1954 patted in French Rouen, in 1958 patted on Brazil's sea area; As well as in 1951 patted in Texas's Lubbock.

2008-10-18 19:42:45 補充:
Also has in New York's Harder abdicates the UFO videotape which Gu Qu as well as Belgium pat.These pictures may not be able to find in many UFO books.
參考: Word 2007
2010-05-28 1:24 am
{Mr.Y---我癡線架,唔好選我啊! }答得好好!
2008-10-18 3:04 am
UFO 是指不明飛行物 (unidentified flying objects),但沒有人真正知道 UFO 是什麼。許多研究者(稱為「幽浮學家」)提出了 UFO 可能是什麼的理論,但因為沒有人能夠在科學實驗室裡面仔細檢查 UFO,所以這些想法只不過是理性的猜測而已。然而,我們可以提供 UFO 的定義,可能對您研究此一課題有所幫助。

  UFO 是指在天上或地上的物體或光,其外觀、軌跡、行動、行動狀況、燈光及顏色,無法給予有邏輯、正常或自然的解釋,而且不但原先的目擊者無法解釋,甚至檢驗過證據的科學家或技術專家也無法用常理的鑑定來解釋。

UFO 各種形狀和大小都有,有些只是在夜空中移動方式而奇怪的小光點而已,這些稱為夜間光點 (NL - nocturnal light),也是最常有人報告的 UFO 類型。夜間光點並非真的值得研究,因為目擊者只看得到很少的細節;沒有細節,UFO 研究人員就無法學到任何新東西。白天所看見的遙遠物體,常常是盤子,或醬油碟的形狀,稱為日間飛碟 (DD - daylight disk)。

當 UFO 更靠近目擊者的時候(500 呎之內),這類的目擊稱為近距離接觸。這種近距離接觸有三種,分別稱為 CE-1,CE-2,以及 CE-3(綁架的情形有時叫做 CE-4)。在近距離接觸時,目擊者會報告看見像醬油碟、回力鏢、球型、鑽石型、雪茄型、三角形,或是其他奇形怪狀的 UFO。它們有明亮的燈光,有時是紅色,有時白色,有時候則是五顏六色。

目擊者報告的 UFO 速度差異很大,UFO 可以靜靜盤旋很久,然後以高速飛走,當然比一般的飛行器快得多;也可能慢慢地越過天空,或是做出令人難以置信的移動方式,例如直角轉彎,而且速度很快。我們不知道 UFO 使用的動力,或是為什麼它們有這麼好的機動性。

有一些無庸置疑的真實 UFO 照片,而許多所謂的 UFO 照片其實是自然的現象(例如奇形怪狀的雲)或是照相機有光漏進來,或是在沖洗照片的時候所造成的瑕疵。有些照片是蓄意的騙局,是因為有人想要你相信他們的確看過 UFO;這原因可能很多,例如要出名、騙錢、或是要提倡宗教或哲學的個人觀點。最好的幾張 UFO 照片,有 1950 年在美國奧勒岡州的 McMinnville 拍的,1954 年在法國 Rouen 拍的,1958 年在巴西的海域上拍的;以及 1951 年在德州的 Lubbock 拍的。也有在紐約的哈德遜谷區以及比利時拍的 UFO 的錄影帶。這些照片可以在許多 UFO 的書中找得到。

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