
2008-10-17 10:49 pm
kidney stones=?(英文答,答1種是怎的病)
kidney failure=?(英文答,答1種是怎的病)


ABY milk powder form the chinese brand Sanlu was found to be tainted withmelamine .more than55,000babies in China fell sick after being fed the milk for three to six months.most of them suffered from kidney stones and others experienced kidney failure .at least four deaths were reported.countrywide inspections also found melamine in the dairy products of 22 other baby milk makers,including famous brands Yili and Mengniu .All tainted products were recalled.


回答 (3)

2008-10-18 9:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Kidney stones= substances in urine that crystalize and precipitate into a solid deposit attached to the kidney walls. The crystals grow gradually to form a kidney stone. They are usually found in the kidneys or the bladder.

Kidney failure= a situation in which the kidneys fail to function adequately. It is divided in acute and chronic forms; either form may be due to a large number of other medical problems.

由中國品牌三鹿出品的ABY 奶粉發現被三聚氰胺污染。超過五萬五千名中國嬰兒在飲用奶粉調成的奶三至六個月後,健康出現問題。大部分嬰兒長出腎結石,有部分甚至患上腎衰竭。最少有四名嬰兒因而死亡。全國性檢測發現三聚氰胺也存於另外二十二間嬰兒奶製造商的奶類製品,當中包括著名品牌伊利和蒙牛。所有被污染的製品都被回收。
2008-10-18 2:49 am
奧比奶粉形成了中國品牌的三鹿被認為是污染withmelamine 。更多than55 , 000babies在中國病倒後,餵牛奶的3至6 months.most他們因腎結石和其他經驗豐富的腎功能衰竭。至少有四個死亡reported.countrywide檢查還發現三聚氰胺的乳製品的22個其他嬰兒奶粉製造商,包括知名品牌伊利和蒙牛。污染的產品全部召回。
kidney stones is腎結石
kidney failure is腎功能衰竭
2008-10-18 12:45 am
kidney stones=腎
kidney failure=腎衰竭

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