
2008-10-17 6:26 pm


回答 (1)

2008-10-18 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some hints for your information!

Window AC Units
A window air conditioner unit implements a complete air conditioner in a small space. The units are made small enough to fit into a standard window frame. You close the window down on the unit, plug the unit in and turn it on to get cool air. If you take the cover off of an unplugged window unit, you will find that it contains:
A compressor (many parts, most steel)
An expansion valve (many parts, most steel)
A hot coil (on the outside) (many parts, thin plate and special coating)
A chilled coil (on the inside) (many parts, most copper tube, welding )
Two fans (motor, Blade)
A control unit (electronic parts)
Refrigerants (R22,134A vacuum process )
The fans blow air over the coils to improve their ability to dissipate heat (to the outside air) and cold (to the room being cooled).

Link: http://home.howstuffworks.com/ac2.htm

1. Objective
2. Theories
3. Parts
4. Material and technology applied
5. Recommandation or Finding
參考: Web sites

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