What's 4.86% of $5000. please?? [misplaced calculater,hee]?

2008-10-17 7:51 am

[a money investment plan i'm trying out this yr.]

回答 (7)

2008-10-17 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
= (4.86/100)*($5000)
= $243

Hope this helps.
2008-10-17 3:03 pm
A percent is one hundredth.

So you divide by 100, which with decimals is easy, as you only have to move the decimal point. 5000 can be written as 5000.00 so moving the point (left to divide, right to multiple) you get 50 as being one percent. you then multiply this by the percentage you are looking for, so
50 * 4.86
or, by moving the points again,
5 * 48.6 (this divides the 50 by 10 and multiplies the other side by 10).
= 243.0
2008-10-17 3:02 pm
0.0486 X $5000 = $243
2008-10-17 3:01 pm

u need to brush up with ur tables dude be4 u get into investment activity

ans is $243
2008-10-17 2:58 pm
2008-10-17 6:42 pm
$5000 x 4.86%
= $5000 x 4.86/100
= $24300/100
= $243
2008-10-17 3:08 pm
5000 x 4.86/100=$243.00

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