ECONOMIC~~!!!SHORT Q AND MC 答一題得一題~~ 20point thx

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2008-10-17 6:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 答案B.
句子1: 運費增加, 供應成本升, 供應減少, 供應曲線向左移, 使價格上升而交易量下降.
句子2: 蘋果與橙為替代品. 蘋果價格下降令消費者轉向購買蘋果, 令橙需求減少, 需求曲線向左移, 使價格及交易量下降.
句子3: 橙的藥用價值令橙需求上升, 需求曲線向右移, 使價格及交易量上升.
句子4: 收成差令供應減少, 供應曲線向左移, 使價格上升而交易量下降.

2. The shortening of travelling time between Tin Shui Wai and Central will attract more people to live in Tin Shui Wai. So demand for private housing in Tin Shui Wai rises, raising both the price and quantity transacted.
On the other hand, the increased supply of land in Tin Shui Wai will raise the supply for private housing in the region, which in turn lowers the price and raises quantity transacted.
Combining the above two effect, quantity transacted will definitely rise. Price may rise or fall depending on which effect dominates. For example, if the price rise due to increased demand outweighs the price fall due to increased supply, the overall price will rise, vice versa.

3. C (此為需求曲線定義)
A (供應成本降, 供應升)
A (同為替代品及利用相似資源生產)
D (供應升, 供應曲線向右移, 使價格下降而交易量上升.)
A (同利用相似資源生產, 增加X生產便減少Y供應量)
C (供應升, 供應曲線向右移, 使價格下降而交易量上升.)

4. C (供應升及需求升同使交易量上升;供應升使價格下降,需求升使價格上升,效果抵銷)
C (投資者對股票前景樂觀使股票需求上升, 使價格及交易量上升)

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