
2008-10-17 7:15 am
我想問 執藥的英文應該點寫啊 ?

同埋 中醫的 "百子櫃" 有無英文名的 ?

仲有"中草藥" 呢 ? 英文又係點寫的 ?

回答 (3)

2008-10-17 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我想問 執藥的英文應該點寫啊 ?
dispense the prescription

同埋 中醫的 "百子櫃" 有無英文名的 ?
compartmental cabinet for storing Chinese herbs

仲有"中草藥" 呢 ? 英文又係點寫的 ?
Chinese herbal medicine

2008-10-20 18:16:44 補充:
The 1st answer "dispense the prescription" revised as:

To dispense the Chinese herbal medicine according to the prescription (雖然發問者冇指明執藥係執中藥, 但以下兩題推斷, 估是關於中藥的)
參考: 斷估
2008-10-20 6:06 am
中藥: Traditional Chinese Medicine,簡稱TCM 
參考: 業內人士
2008-10-17 8:36 am

執藥 can be translate as " To dispense Chinese medicine".

中草藥= Chinese herbal medicine( med)

About 百子櫃, I have no comment on this and I do not think there is a certain English for that.


2008-10-17 02:56:42 補充:
執藥 can be translated as " To dispense Chinese medicine".

2008-10-17 02:58:37 補充:
About 百子櫃, I have no comment on this and I do not think there is a certain English word for that.
Yike! What's wrong with me today? I kept mistyping! Sorry about that:)

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