chung yeung festival 急!!! 急!!! 急!!!

2008-10-17 6:40 am
chung yeung festival.My Homewory急!!! 急!!! 急!!!

回答 (2)

2008-10-17 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Chung Yeung Festival is a day to respect and remember ancestors.
Also known as Autumn Remembrance, this festival is similar to Ching Ming in the spring, in that families journey to the graves of their ancestors to perform cleansing rites and pay their respects. They share the food they bring along, especially Chinese cakes, ko, which is a homonym of the word for "top". Some believe that those who eat these cakes will be promoted to the top.

It is also a day for hiking. The Chung Yeung Festival commemorates a Han Dynasty (BC 202-AD 220) legend, which tells how a soothsayer advised Woon King that he should take his family to a high place for the entire ninth day of the ninth moon. Upon their return, the Woon family discovered all living things in their village had been slaughtered. Today, many Hong Kong families head to the hills to picnic during the Chung Yeung Festival.
With the cooler weather and clear skies at this time of the year, many people simply take the opportunity to go on one of Hong Kong's many hikes. Why not join a hiking tour for the day!


2008-10-17 10:34:59 補充:
參考: discoverhongkong
2008-10-17 7:08 am
雖然你好急, 但係你想問乜先? 問來歷? 問怎樣過?

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