
2008-10-17 5:56 am
這段:Potluck is form two words:pot and luck.In the old days,people in America often cooked their meals with big pots.When people came to visit during suppertime,the family usually invited the guests to join them.They served them the food from the pot.


回答 (5)

2008-10-17 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Potluck is form two words:pot and luck.「便飯」是由「鍋」和「幸運」兩個詞語組成的。
In the old days,people in America often cooked their meals with big pots.古時美國人經常用大鍋烹調飯餐。
When people came to visit during suppertime,the family usually invited the guests to join them.當有人在吃飯時間來訪,這家人通常邀請客人一起吃,
They served them the food from the pot.用鍋裡的食物去款待他們。

2008-10-17 21:41:11 補充:
我在字典查了 potluck這字,其餘是自己用翻譯技巧寫下的。至現時為止,無任何翻譯網站可做到「用人的邏輯思維所達成的翻譯技巧」。
2015-09-13 10:54 am
I don't know what you say
2008-10-17 1:31 pm
Potluck is from two words:pot and luck.In the old days,people in America often cooked their meals with big pots.When people came to visit during suppertime,the family usually invited the guests to join them.They served them the food from the pot.
2008-10-17 10:41 am
Hi, pal

Since I do not know how to type in Chinese, hereby allow me to inform you
that there are some mistakes in your first sentence.

" Form" in your sentence should be used as a " VERB" only, therefore you
have to use passive voice and also, you have to use the preposition" by" in
your sentence.

It goes like this:

The word" potluck" is formED ( passive voice here)
by two words-" pot "and" luck".

The word" potluck" is formed by two words which are " pot" and" luck".

As a whole, the rest of your sentences are not bad.
Way to go!

Good luck with your studies!

2008-10-17 6:05 am

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