
2008-10-17 1:55 am

回答 (1)

2008-10-17 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
加強救市措施=Strengthen measures to rescue the market, 販毒集團=drug trafficking, 氯胺酮=ketamine, 精神科毒品=psychotropic drugs, 還柙監房= to detain in jail, 外匯基金=the Exchange Fund, 平機會=the EOC =Equal Opportunities Commission, 性別歧視=gender discrimination, 種族歧視=racial discrimination, 性騷擾=sexual harassment, 金管局=the HKMA=The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, 存款保障=the deposit protection, 道德風險=moral hazard, 選民涉舞弊=related to voter fraud, 民政事務總署=the Home Affairs Department, 登革熱=Dengue fever, 行政會議=the Executive Council, 行政長官=the Chief Executive, 醫院管理局=the Hospital Authority, 奶類製品=dairy products

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