Where I can have 分子料理?

2008-10-16 11:29 pm
Which restaurant will serve Molecular Gastronomy please? and approximately how much per person?

回答 (1)

2008-10-17 12:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) The Krug Room (Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong Hotel)
最低消費$20,000(設加一),最多招待10至12人,每位12道菜,包3杯香檳。 分子菜式由大廚設計,客人亦可在訂位時提出要求。分子套餐午晚市皆供應。

2) Kee Club (Central)

3) Bo Innovation (Wanchai)
午餐約$180-200, 晚餐約$800-1000

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