Facebook病毒 急急急

2008-10-16 11:41 am
本人 不幸地中了Facebook病毒,令到電腦瀏覽網頁時極慢,請問有冇高手相助.急急急

回答 (1)

2008-10-16 4:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實 Facebook 病毒只不過係 malware worm, 但係如果你 install 咗個 trojan 就麻煩D ....

首先, 你有無 Anti- spyware / Anti - virus program 起你部電腦到? 如果無的話, 請你用 online scanners 幫你 check 下咩野 infect 你部腦先....

(1) http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ [請你跟個instruction 做, step by step]

(2) scan 完之後, 通常會幫你 delete 一D 容易 delete 嘅 virus/spyware etc.

(3) 請你去 "desktop" ---->"IE" icon ---> right click ---> "Properties"
and then delete cookies/history/temp files from internet options general page

(4) 之後請去 "start"--> "control panel" --> "internet options" --> "privacy" --> "advanced" --> "override"
allow 1st party cookies
BLOCK 3rd [ tracking ] party cookies

(5) 之後請去 "start" --> "All programs" --> "Accessories" --> "System tool" --> "disk cleanup"
除咗 "compress files" 同 " office setup files", 其他都 click sa, and then click "OK"

(6) 之後請去 turn off 你個電腦 ge "system restore"

完成以上之後, 可以開始 remove malware
(1)因為 trojans, worms, key loggers, viruses and spyware 都好難 remove,
所以我 recommend 你用以下 ge programs 幫你 remove.
NOTE: Recommend 你 set 部電腦去 safe mode 先

-is so hard for me to type in chinese, i will type the rest in english, sorry for any incovenience-

(A) AVG Anti-Spyware: I'm not a huge fan of the AVG Antivirus but I've found that their Anti-Spyware does have a good kick to it. It can find a lot of the obscure malware programs some of the others might miss.
- http://free.grisoft.com/
(B) Spybot: This one gets a lot of advertising bots and other malicious programs.
(C)Ad-Aware 2007: Just because, does a great job finding cookies and small time malware.
(D)Spyware Terminator: Although you might have almost cleaned out the complete infection it doesn’t hurt to run this guy to double check your work.

2008-10-16 08:42:58 補充:

1. Once more I recommend going to the online scanner just to be sure that you were able to remove all the malware infections:

(3)Turn back on your system restore

2008-10-16 08:43:36 補充:
(4) SYSTEM RECOVERY <------worst case
1. In a worst case scenario if the following steps do not clean your system,try using system restore

2008-10-16 08:43:41 補充:
follow the same steps you followed to turn off S.R. but instead,click create new restore point
2. in a VERY worst case,use your recovery or re install disk to re install windows
參考: 自己..... 10 年在加拿大生活所得的經驗

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