how does v225=15????????

2008-10-15 3:08 pm

回答 (8)

2008-10-15 3:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if v mean square root then that means what number, multiplied by itself equals the original number.

so for 225, 15 * 15 = 225

other example.... v100 = 10.
2008-10-15 3:37 pm
= ±√(15 x 15)
= ±15
2008-10-15 3:12 pm
What is "v225"?

*** Oh ok Manisha, thanks.....then he/she should have stated this, or wrote it appropriately.

The Sqrt(225)...or....√225 = 15

==> 225 = 15²

That's how it works.
2008-10-15 3:12 pm
because 15^2 = 225
2008-10-15 3:19 pm
2008-10-15 9:04 pm
the "v" probably means square root so the square root of 225 = 15, so 15 = 15.
2008-10-15 3:13 pm
v is square root
2008-10-15 3:17 pm
Let x=225^1/2, then
x=15 (reject the -ve root)

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