
2008-10-16 1:27 am

回答 (9)

2008-10-16 2:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
"He is sure scared to death!"
He is sure 就解作「他一定是」吧;scared to death 是嚇得要死,就是嚇壞了吧!
我個人認為:He is surely scared to death 較合文法;那麼 surely 是副詞,它的作用是 modifying the adjective "scared"的。
2008-11-17 12:20 pm
" Sure " can be used as an adverb in American English.
2008-10-16 6:48 pm
It should scare him.
2008-10-16 2:44 am
It must have gotten him really frightened!

Informal: It must have scared the hell out of him!(don't use it for homework!!!)
2008-10-16 1:46 am
scared s-h-i-t out of him
2008-10-16 1:33 am
英文說"一定把他嚇壞了"是Certainly scared him.
參考: me
2008-10-16 1:32 am
it must scared him
2008-10-16 1:32 am
Certainly frightened him badly
2008-10-16 1:30 am
Certainly scared him.......
參考: 自己,唔知岩唔岩嫁

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