
2008-10-15 6:50 pm
I am writing to complain about the restaurant “where” I had dinner with a food last Saturday.

(1) 請問這個where代表什麼?
(2) 什麼時候才會用?
(3) 另外who, which這類又是怎樣用於這些句子呢?


不好意思 我都唔係好明who和which的用法 可以寫個例子給我看嗎 謝謝!

回答 (4)

2008-10-15 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am writing to complain about the restaurant “where” I had dinner with a food last Saturday.

1) 這個句子的意思用中文表示的話, 是
"我現在要寫這封信投訴一個間餐廳, 就是星期六吃晚飯的那一間"
而原文中的 where 的意思是 "就是........那裡" 的意思
2) 用法是當你說一個地方(如餐廳), 用where來說明是哪一間餐廳
3) who和which的用法大致和where相同, 是當你說一個人(如Peter), 用who來說明是哪一個Peter

2008-10-16 13:15:42 補充:
who 和 which 用法大致同where個結構是一樣的

"倫少 is a handsome boy who is asking question in Yahoo!知識"

"倫少是英俊的男生, 特別指別是那個在Yahoo!知識發問問題的倫少"

"The chair is broken which I just bought last night"
那張椅子壞了, 就是我昨晚剛剛買的那一張

2008-10-15 8:10 pm
(1)where 在這裡是一代名詞(subject pronoun),代表在它前的名詞-restaurant.
(2)用來以一句表達兩個很有關係信息,避免煩複:連接a.I am writing to complain about the restaurant. 和At the restaurarnt I had dinner with a friend(不是food) last Saturday.
(3)where作為代名詞用於地方;who用於人物;which用於物件.e.g. Yesterday I met a girl who looked beautiful; You cannot use this laptop which belongs to someone else!
2008-10-15 7:23 pm
The clause " where I had dinner with------" is a relative clause. It begins with question words (e.g. where, who, which) are often used to identify place, people or things; or to give more information about them.

Other examples like:
Do you know the people who live next door?
There's a programme tonight which you might like.
He lives in a village where there are no shops.

When "where", "who" and "which" introduce relative clauses, they are called "relative pronouns". "Where" refers to place, "who" refers to people and "which" refers to things.

Give you some additional information: "where" can be replaced by " at which".
That means your sentence can be rewrited to:
" I am writing to complain about the restaurant at which I had dinner with a food last Saturday."
2008-10-15 6:58 pm
its joining word
2.its for when you're talking about a place and u dont want to stop a sentence is like"果到"

3.who is for the people
which is for something death

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