
2008-10-15 3:44 pm

F.5畢業, 2年半文職經驗, 工作負責: 跟單,打單,安全出貨,跟樣板,


我係勞工處見到貴公司請人,因為我對這份工有興趣, 所以來申請面試見工,如果貴公司能夠給與我機會,也因份工有興趣,我會能夠在此用心地學習,及努力工作

回答 (2)

2008-10-24 1:05 pm
你add我msn,我教你講咩仲好la~(我上堂有學過點先叫係一個好ge interview,)

[email protected]
2008-10-19 6:58 pm
My name is XXX and I live in Tai Po. I'm still living with my parents and siblings. I'm a F.5 graduate with two years and a half job experience. It's a civilian job at XXX company. I know how to follow-up the orders, type equipment interchange receipt, 安全出貨,跟樣板(我唔識這兩個 ....i don't get these tow words, actually keep it simple...you don't need to be so specific) and customers service.

My hobbies are window shopping, playing badminton and surfing the net.

I saw the memo few days ago from Labour Department saying that your company is currently hiring. I have applied for an interview because I feel interested in this job. If your company would give me a chance, I will work hard and do my best to get the job done.

p.s. 我幫你修改咗一D, cause 有D 地方唔可以就咁 translate.....

2008-10-19 11:00:46 補充:
**** get these words, actually keep it simple... [上面打錯咗]

2008-10-19 11:05:00 補充:
同埋 001 嘅答案應該係 copy from 專 translate paragraph 嘅 site...所以 grammar 錯到不堪入目.....
參考: 自己..... 10 年在加拿大生活所得的經驗

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