Regulation or deregulation is better: 2008 financial crisis

2008-10-15 1:32 pm
Considering the financial crisis we are having now throughout the world, which approach is better to support or restructuralize the economy and the market, active governmental participation in regulating the market or the withdrawal of governmental interference with deregulation of the ecoonmy?

Answers should be based on scholarly work and your personal opinion. Prepared counterclaims and solutions in your answers.

回答 (1)

2008-10-28 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實極端的REGULATION同DEREGULATION都會出現問題. 中國人永遠鼓勵中庸之道. 原因:
管得緊, 大家無心機創新
管得鬆, 大家亂咁來

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