War or genocide: Is civil war a genocide?

2008-10-15 1:27 pm
The definition of genocide has been challenged by many scholars, and there is no one concluded answer. However, there has been a debate on whether a civil war (in general) constitute a genocide?

Answers should consider scholarly work and your personal critical thinking.

回答 (2)

2008-10-22 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案

I dunno about the Civil war about other countries so i cant give u example.

but i can tell u that every time when there was a cicil in China, lots of Civilian must be kill, especially before 1911.


This is before there are only little different betweeen soldier and Civilian.

Many soldiers are usually need to recruit from the villages and cities. Well , are they soldiers? I will say not. I wonder can they "fight" actully.

Bsides they are only taking orders from the officer, and the education are really bad. So when they enter a village or city, i dont think they will be gentle.

And also, if there are just little different beteewn soldier and civilian, how can u divide them???
Define by did they carrying a weapon?

I will say it is nearly impossible, because when u leave the village, u emeny may enter the village and force them to be their soldier even through they dont want to. Then next time in the battlefield, u can see their face again.

Pesonally, i against any attack on a civilian target purposely. And it is easlier to define a military target and a civilan target.

Unfortunately, this doesnt happen in some countires, like the Civil war in Afica, genocide always happen.

But at least, i think genocide is more unlikely will happen in a morden world or a morden war( although there a re still some negative news about the American soldiers in Iraq =[ ), One of the resons is because the communication nowadays is so advance. You hardly cover every shits you have done, and once u have done, every civilized countires wont endure this.
2008-10-15 5:18 pm
擧D冇genocide既civil war米得lo。比如話美國内戰同中國内戰。

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