What if I am allergic to dogs, but I want to be a dog sitter?

2008-10-15 3:11 am
I have always loved dogs and I am finally old enough to be a pet sitter. I got a job to watch a Sheltie dog for 1 month but I now found out that if I stay near a dog for too long, I will start sneezing and get red and itchy eyes occasionally. I reeeally want to be a dog sitter, I have agreed to meeting the dog owner but it is not official, what should I do?? Pursue my dreams of being a pet sitter, or quit and find another job?... I need help!

回答 (12)

2008-10-15 3:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ask your doc for a strong allergy medication and you can sit all the dogs youd like.
參考: vet student
2008-10-15 3:19 am
Medication and tissues with aloe in them.

My poor hubby, with out cat and both our GSDs, hair is EVERYWHERE, and so is the dander. He was not allergic to dogs until he had been around mine for so long.

Got him some good meds and it's all fine and dandy now!
2008-10-15 3:27 am
Take some allergy medicine.
2008-10-15 3:21 am
allergy meds or for some the best is a monthly allergy shot. It works but is pricier and more painful if you can't handle needles. otc like zyrtec helps but wont stop it completely.
2008-10-16 10:24 am
Sometimes it's because the dog needs a bath. You may not be allergic to the dog if it's clean.

I take Benadryl and other allergy meds.
2008-10-15 6:39 pm
Ask your doc for a strong allergy medication and you can sit all the dogs youd like
2008-10-15 7:16 am

Thankfully, the days are gone when an allergic person was told to "just get rid of the dog." Doctors now realize that many people would rather endure a little sniffling than live without a dog, and they can work with you to minimize your symptoms.
here are some guidelines:

hope this helps.
2008-10-15 3:26 am
Just go to the local Walgreen's or CVS store ask the pharmacists for a strong allergy medication that will keep your allergies under control while you are around the dog. If that doesn't work and your just too sick to be a pet sitter try getting into another career with animals. =]
Hope I helped.
2008-10-15 3:21 am
You would be unable to properly care for the dogs that you're sitting for when your allergies kick in, and therefore wouldn't fulfill what you're being paid to do.

I'd find allergy medications, or a new profession.
2008-10-15 3:17 am
don't stay around the dog too much,
u can be around it but not as much as youd like 2

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