What are the consequences to a literal rain of Cats and Dogs falling from the sky?

2008-10-15 2:51 am
There would be a lot of blood, for one.

This is strictly... hypothetical


It would be a very sad rainbow.

回答 (21)

2008-10-15 11:55 pm
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It would be compete carnage! Thousands of lives would be lost, both animal and human. Their would be dog and cats guts splattered across the streets, cars would get dented, in the case of falling great danes, they would break the win shield all together. You'd have cars slipping and swerving on animal blood, crashing into each other. People driving around frantically while a several animal corpses deposited on there hoods. The situation would be worse for pedestrians, any dog or cat falling from thousands of feet, will kill you on impact if the hit your head. You'd have animal corpses impaling human corpses. It seems cute on paper, the reality of it would be nothing short of hell on Earth. Poor animals! Poor people!
2008-10-15 9:55 am
only hypothetical?
2008-10-15 9:55 am
somebodies allergies are gonna be acting up
2008-10-15 9:56 am
Will this happen before or after the locusts? I need to plan accordingly.
參考: "Get her! That was your idea!? Get her!"
2008-10-15 9:56 am
animal rights activists would be very pissed and would try to sue whoever did it. Lots of dead cats and dogs too.
2008-10-15 9:55 am
fur flurries
2008-10-15 9:54 am
2008-10-15 10:13 am
Well. Umbrella's would be looking mighty different, wouldn't they?
2008-10-15 10:01 am
head injuries.

dead bodies. :(

extreme stench


bumpy roads ;D

crowds (don't ask)

broken windshields, windows, and various fragile, outdoor items.
2008-10-15 9:55 am
and poop...dont forget the poop....ewww!!
2008-10-15 9:56 am
ouch...many visits to the hospital...
2008-10-15 11:16 am
They wouldn't exactly make a safe landing....
2008-10-15 10:06 am
I'll be the one to get peed on.
2008-10-15 9:58 am
LOTS of drool and hairballs!
2008-10-15 9:57 am
the saddest rainbow ever
2008-10-15 9:57 am
quite a fight i would say lollll
2008-10-16 6:24 am
2008-10-16 12:48 am
scratches and blood...of course.
2008-10-15 9:57 am
Well i would definatly get out the nets and catch all I could?Then I would cry myself sick over the loss of precious animals lives.eeeew,I dont like this question): E
2008-10-15 9:56 am
There would be a lot of dead animals on the road. :(
Feel sorry for the people who have to bury them
2008-10-15 9:55 am
No rats and cats on earth.

The cats will kill the rats and the dogs will kill the cats.

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