
2008-10-15 5:51 am
宿霧去5日有咩好玩~~local tour, shopping mall ,spa...邊度好啊~~我未去過的~*.*

回答 (2)

2008-10-17 6:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
宿霧最出名o既當然係佢美麗o既海底世界~ 而消費唔高,飲飲食食做下spa relax下幾日已經係樂事~

香港搭飛機到宿霧機場,搭酒店shuttle 或者的士返酒店checkin及休息,請注意由於一般酒店checkin 時間是下午2 點,如果你班機早過呢個時間到,你可能要要求酒店給予early check-in~
休息一陣後到麥哲倫十字架、Lapu-Lapu像、教堂等名勝參觀/ 或留在resort relax~ 晚上搭車到Gaisano Country Mall,到商場二樓的Lighthouse 餐廳食出名的乳豬 (Lechon)

早 d 起身食早餐準備9 點鐘出海,先到海岸保護區浮潛/ 潛水,中午到外島食海鮮餐,d 海鮮超大超正超新鮮,下午繼續浮潛或水上活動,日落前完成返回酒店梳洗~ 晚餐可以幫襯返酒店內的餐廳~

出海浮潛/ 潛水 及上島食海鮮等可以在跟香港人在當地開的潛水店,可以係香港book 定,到時有車接送,你自己send mail 去問下:[email protected]

朝早可以留係resort relax下,然後lunch 後搭的士到SM Mall食lunch同shopping,同司機講先到旁邊的pier,叫佢停車等你地一陣,你地就落車去買第二朝來回Bohol (保和島) o既船飛,然後上返的士就去SM Mall 行街食野啦~

可以買tee、沙灘拖、芒果乾、芒果汁等做手信~ 由於商場都頗大,而且有好多餐廳,基本上可以行成日,晚上留係Mall 度食飯。食完飯時間尚早,就順道搭的士到Cebu City的waterfront hotel (記住不是機場果間),果度裝修豪華,有賭場同酒吧等,可以飲下野或者入賭場玩下~

一朝早起身就搭的士去碼頭,準備搭船去Bohol一日遊,到埗後碼頭會有好多包車的司機,找一個包車約1500p,叫佢帶你地去 d 景點如chocolate hill、眼鏡猴等。傍晚回程返Cebu,玩左成日可以考慮夜晚做個spa或message~ 我無試過呢間酒店的唔知質素如何~

朝早起身在酒店游下水relax下,中午check out 後行李寄存係酒店,然後可以搭車出去搵食行街最後衝刺,預返時間返酒店拎行李,然後搭車去機場,入禁區後,check-in counter 對面有幾間小商店,係果度買芒果雪糕,會有乾冰同packing,雪糕要寄倉,留返每人550peso買離境稅,然後過關登機返香港~

參考: 已去過N次,最近一次係今年7月~
2008-10-16 12:49 am
Stay 2 nights at a Deluxe resort, far from the city. Enjoy the relaxing time at the resort. 2 nights in the city, it is easier to go out, casino, shopping mall & some sightseeing.The seafood in Cebu is great. Don't miss the island hopping day tour ( included snokling) . You will love the sea of Cebu very much. The seafood sell on the small island is great, the price is resonable. Be brave to try different kind of seashells. Fruit there is great too , sepcailly mangoes, pineapples and bananas. After the trip, bring a lot of 7- D dry mangoes. One day tour to the Bohol island is intesting. I have been there twice, if you wants some more details, E me, I can read in Chinese but too stupid to type.

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