Form 4 maths about function(2)

2008-10-15 4:44 am
41. A tank fires a bomb at a certain angle from the ground and hits a target at the same level. The path of the bomb follows a quadratic equation y= -0.005x^2+x. If we take the muzzle of the tank as the origin, then we can plot the quadratic curve that represents the path of the bomb as follows.
(a) Rewrite the equation of the graph in the form y=a(x-h)^2 +k
(b) What is the maximum height that the bomb can reach above the horizontal level of the muzzle?
(c) How far is the target from the muzzle of the tank?
(d) If we adjust the shooting angle, will the equation of the path be different?
For the answer,
(a) y= -0.005(x-100)^2 +50
(b) 50m
(c) 200m
(d) Yes





d part點答=_=

回答 (2)

2008-10-15 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. y = -0.005x^2+x
y = -0.005 ( x^2 + 200x )
y = -0.005 ( x^2 + 200x + 100^2 - 100^2 )
y = -0.005 ( x-100)^2 + 50

( This kind of calculation is called " Completing Square ". It can be used to find the maximum or minimum value of something.It depends on the coefficient of " a " whether it is positive or negative. When you face the question which requires you to rewrite an equation in the form y=a(x-h)^2 +k , you should find the common factor at first.In usual , the coefficient of " x^2 " should become 1. It is because of the convenience in calculation. Take (a) as an example , the common factor is -0.005 , so the coefficient of " x^2 " and " x" are 1 and 200 respectively. )

b. By (a) , the maximum height is 50m.

c. When y = 0 ,
0 = -0.005( x - 100 )^2 + 50
-50= -0.005 ( x -100 )^2
10000 = ( x-2 )^2
x = 200
so the target from the muzzle of the tank is 200m.

I am sorry that I forgot how to explain the question (d). I think I need to peply you about it later.

2008-10-14 22:14:37 補充:
reply , not " peply " , sorry ^^
2008-10-15 6:15 am
y = -0.005x^2 + x
= -0.005(x^2 - 200x)
= -0.005[(x - 100)^2 - 10000]
= -0.005(x - 100)^2 + 50
So the max. height = 50.
Put y = 0
-50/-0.005 = (x - 100)^2
10000 = (x - 100)^2
+/-100 = x - 100
x = 0 or 200. So target is 200m from muzzle.
Adjusting the angle will change the equation of the path.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 22:39:25
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