關於econ 問題 mc

2008-10-15 3:32 am
Suppose the marjet price of a commodity increases by$3 per unit after the imposition $5 per unit sales tax. Thos indicates that

A.its elasticity of demand is lower than its elasticity of supply

B. its elasticity of demand is higher than its elasticity of supply

C. its demand is inelastic

D.its supply is inelastic


回答 (2)

2008-10-16 2:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
答案是A. its elasticity of demand is lower than its elasticity of supply

如果需求彈性是低的話, 消費者會多些tax/subsidy
如果供應彈性是低的話, 消費者會少些tax/subsidy
如果需求彈性是高的話, 消費者會少些tax/subsidy
如果供應彈性是高的話, 消費者會多些tax/subsidy

回應A的答案:如果需求彈性是低, 供應彈性都是低的話, 就要睇邊個彈性是低d
如果需求彈性是低d, 消費者會多些tax/subsidy...個價錢會升$2.5-$5,佢升左$3, 所以是對的

因為唔知道其SUPPLY 彈性..可能SUPPLY 彈性是可能仲低, 咁樣個
2008-10-15 9:36 am
its elasticity of demand is lower than its elasticity of supply~
參考: 自己

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