”Will” 在什麼時候可以用 ”wills”

2008-10-15 1:42 am
For example

"they consistently expressed strong will to strike down the vicious influence "

這句應用 will (uncountable) or They 用 (wills) 好多人的意願

Any experts can help?

回答 (2)

2008-10-15 9:12 am
✔ 最佳答案

The word" will" in your short sentence carries meanings like

" strong desire" and " volition" and by all means it can be used as a countable

Also, you are talking about them-- some people there in your sentence,
using " wills" would be necessary, but if you talk about one person ,
you should write " This girl has a very strong will. I am sure she
will go on working for her impossible boss."

One more thing, don't forget to capitalize the first word in your sentence.:)

2008-10-15 7:55 am
Uncountable nouns are materials, concepts, information, etc. which are not individual objects and can not be counted.
The word "will" means 意志,毅力 here. Therefore, it is an uncountable noun.

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