簡單英文translate,10分,help please

2008-10-14 6:36 am

回答 (2)

2008-10-14 11:04 am
✔ 最佳答案

Here it is.

If you ask me what my ideal occupation is ,I can tell you right away that
being a teacher is always my dream job, on the contrary, that would be the
only career I have no guts to give it a shot.

As far as I know, it would be obviously hard to be a good teacher with zillions
of hard-to-bare heavy workloads, class preparations, corrections and so forth.

Let's say, it takes me about two minutes to correct a piece of homework
for a student .If I have a class of twenty students, it will then take me around fourty minutes to complete the work and I am certain that
It would not be enough time for me if I spent the entire week's time I had at school correcting their assignments.What would be worst?

What if my students did not behave in class? I am afraid they would scream
loud or something like that then my devotion to teaching them would never pay off.I suppose I wouldn't
benefit much but lose more weight, if I were a responsible teacher.To be honest, I think I would die sooner .How about being an ordinary teacher?
I really don't think it would be easy either.Perhaps I would be more relaxed if I were an irresponsible one.

That's all.

參考: My own translation
2008-10-14 10:02 am
Being a teacher is what i would like to be in the future. It is, however, the only occupation which i do not dare to do as well.

I know that it is not easy to be a teacher. This is harsh and tired. I have to prepare for classes to take and marking homework. For example, there are 20 student in the class, and marking 2mins for a homework, that is totally 40mins on the marking work. However, the time is not enough at school to mark their homeworks.

The thing which i afraided most is the disobedience student who make noisy in class. It has to be responsible teacher, you have to "strong" enough so that you can find the enjoyment in the school.

In a summary, being a casual teacher is more relaxed by comparing to the responsible one.

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