
2008-10-14 4:31 am
聯 邦 快 遞 的 系 統 工 程 師 卓 基 路 蘭 , 私 人 與 工 作 都 離 不 開 時 鐘 。 他 工 作 效 率 奇 高 , 每 天 處 理 的 每 一 件 事 均 計 算 準 確 , 以 圖 達 到 最 大 的 成 效 。 縱 然 卓 基 能 夠 處 理 工 作 上 的 任 何 難 題 , 私 生 活 卻 令 他 頭 痛 ; 工 作 奪 去 他 所 有 時 間 , 令 與 他 相 戀 經 年 的 女 友 嘉 莉 無 所 適 從 。 一 次 飛 機 失 事 意 外 卓 基 的 生 活 徹 底 地 被 打 亂 , 他 成 為 意 外 中 的 唯 一 生 還 者 , 獨 自 流 落 一 個 無 人 荒 島 , 與 世 隔 絕 , 一 切 必 需 品 固 然 沒 有 , 連 吃 也 成 問 題 , 更 糟 的 是 要 與 大 自 然 搏 鬥 。 卓 基 在 求 生 的 當 兒 , 不 自 覺 地 肉 體 和 心 靈 同 時 逐 漸 褪 變 。 沒 有 了 每 天 的 壓 力 與 困 擾 , 卓 基 的 人 生 目 標 與 價 值 觀 起 了 莫 大 的 變 化

回答 (2)

2008-10-16 6:51 am
Federal Express systems engineer Zhuoji Road, Portland, working with the private sector can not be separated from the clock. His high work efficiency, to deal with every day of everything are accurate calculation, in order to achieve maximum results. Zhuoji even be able to deal with any problems at work, private life makes him a headache; work took him all the time, so in love with him years of his girlfriend Carrie at a loss. One of Zhuoji crash accident of life has been completely disrupted, he became the only survivors of the accident, no one living alone on a desert island, isolated, all the necessities of course not, is already a problem, hardly a learned advice, to make matters worse Struggle with nature. Zhuoji to live in the moment, unconsciously physical and spiritual at the same time gradually Tuibian. Not a day of pressure and distress Zhuoji life goals and values played a great change
參考: me
2008-10-15 11:59 pm
Federation express system engineer Zhuo Jilu is blue, personal cannot leave the clock with the work. His working efficiency wonderful high, every day processes each matter calculates accurately, achieves the biggest result by the chart. Even if Zhuo Jineng handle work any difficult problem, the private life actually makes his headache; The work takes away him to possess the time, made to love one another for many years girlfriend Jiali with him to be at a loss how to proceed. An aircraft accident Zhuo Ji life is disrupted thoroughly, he becomes in accident's only survivor, alone wanders about destitute a nobody desert island, separates with the world, all essential items no doubt do not have, Lian Chi is also a problem, what is worse is must with the nature fight. Zhuo Ji is seeking livehood the time, not on own initiative the human body and the mind simultaneously gradually shed change. Did not have the daily pressure and the puzzle, Zhuo Ji the object in life and the values had the greatest change

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