Cloze......(5 points)快快...明天交功課!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-10-14 3:02 am
Please answer these!!!
我有一D我識,不過唔知correct or wrong!!
---only one word---

Nowadays, it's not easy for you to be a (1)_________ news reporter. You need to be good (2)__at__ English and Chinese. You also need to speak. Putonghua (3)__and__ English well. (4)__You__ must be sociable and outgoing (5)__if__ you have to get news (6)__of__ other people. However, some news may be (7)_________ so you must find (8)__out__ the real answer. You may go to different places to meet (9)__the__ people such as George Bush and Beckham. (10)__Although__ it is a hard job, it is meaningful.

回答 (1)

2008-10-14 3:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Nowadays, it's not easy for you to be a (1)__great__ news reporter. You need to be good (2)__at__ English and Chinese. You also need to speak. Putonghua (3)__and__ English well. (4)__You__ must be sociable and outgoing (5)__if__ you have to get news (6)__from__ other people. However, some news may be (7)__difficult__ so you must find (8)__out__ the real answer. You may go to different places to meet (9)__famous__ people such as George Bush and Beckham. (10)__Although__ it is a hard job, it is meaningful.
參考: 本人澳洲留學

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