preserve Vs book

2008-10-14 12:15 am
what are the differences between preserve and book


回答 (3)

2008-10-14 11:43 am
✔ 最佳答案

"To reserve" means to keep something for someone.


A:Good afternoon. I would like a table for ten at your cafe this evening.

B: Sure, sir. I will reserve a big table for you for your booking.

" To book" means to engage something beforehand.

A: Good morning. I would like to book a table for ten for this evening.

B: May I know what time that would be, sir?( The waiter wants to know what time in the evening A will need that table.)

A says he would like TO BOOK a table for ten people. ( He wants B to
reserve( keep) a table for ten people for him)

Hope it helps.

2008-10-14 12:35 am
2008-10-14 12:19 am
preserve = to make something continue without changing
book=to make arrangement to stay in a place

2008-10-13 16:20:35 補充:
reserve = book

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