Calculus HELP!!!!!!

2008-10-13 12:19 pm
g(x+h)= (g(x)+g(h)) / (g(-x) + g(-h))

If g(-x) = 1/g(x) and g(-h) = 1/g(h)

Please show that g(x+h) = g(h)g(x) for all real numbers h and x.

回答 (1)

2008-10-13 5:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let g(x) = a, g(h) = b, therefore, g(-x) = 1/a and g(-h) = 1/b.
So g(x + h) = [a + b]/[1/a + 1/b] = [a +b]/[(a + b)/ab] = ab = g(x)g(h).

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