✔ 最佳答案
1) 點解有時要用Carbon dioxide黎滅火有時就用Water;?
2樣分別系要Remove d咩同埋點解;?
carbon dioxide can remove the supply of oxygen
water can be uesd to lower the temperature
因為water 導電,與電有關就唔好用water
之於幾時用Carbon dioxide幾時同Water 就自己衡量
1a) 當1個燈龍著火; 咁應該用咩整熄佢同點解;?
可以同carbon dioxide ,dry powder , sand, blanket
foam同water會整濕個lantern 可以會壞
1b)carbon dioxide ,dry powder , sand, blanket都得
2) The 'burning' of food to produce energy inside body cells is called _____. ?
.....is called respiration
food+oxygen-->carbon dioxide + water + energy
burning : vigorous and out of control
respiration: slow and under control
3) 什麼是noble gas?
In form 2 level, u will learn 3
noble gases(means the gases which are unreactive,not
easy to react with other chemical)
Argon 氬, Neon 氖, Helium 氦