Required provincial curriculum
The provincial curriculum consists of a challenging core of academic courses including:
Required provincial curriculum
The provincial curriculum consists of a challenging core of academic courses including:
Biology Music, Art, and Dance
Chemistry Physical Education
English Physics
Mathematics Social Studies
International Languages including Mandarin, Japanese, French, German and Spanish Computer Technology
Credit system
Each high school course is assigned a credit value based upon the number of hours of instruction.
A minimum mark of 50% is required to receive credits.
Equivalencies from foreign transcripts
Once an international student has arrived at their high school, a school counselor will evaluate their foreign transcripts and determine the course for which credit will be given, as well as the grade in which the student will be placed.
Students are reminded that depending on the outcome of the assessment of their documents, it might be possible that they may not be placed in the next grade level to the one just completed in their home country.
The decision regarding placement will be based on an assessment by Edmonton Public's staff as to the level where the student is most likely to be successful. In some cases more than one year may be required to complete an Alberta high school diploma.
Complementary activities also available
International students are encouraged to choose from the many complementary activities available at Edmonton Public Schools including: