轉讓定價- 會計點入

2008-10-13 4:31 am
轉讓定價 = Tranfer Pricing
會計點入 ?

Thanks, I know it is for Tax, But we also need to make entry for accounting, for example: make a Income from this


Example : Dr AR Cr Income ( For transfer price) is it right for my concept ? Can you help me more for me to know, because my Boss told me to do this , make a invoice to 母公司, Charge them and become our (子公司) income in P& L.


Thanks a lot ~ ^^

回答 (2)

2008-10-14 7:27 pm
轉讓定價係指圍內公司為集團公司提供貨品或服務,而所訂定價格有時會偏高旨在將利潤由一間公司轉去另一間公司。你如果就咁開一張發票好似你話做一個收入,稅務局正常係無可能俾你做費用。一般呢啲稅務安排會係跟OECD Model去決定價格而唔係就咁開一張發票將利潤轉出。你最好搵有呢方面嘅專業人仕幫你而唔係自己亂做!
2008-10-13 5:47 am
Transfer pricing is not a matter of accounting but a tax issue. It is a matter of the amount of the price or cost used in these transactions for tax issues. In accounting, we just treat it as sales and purchases.

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