勁急!!!15分!comparatives and superlatives`

2008-10-13 4:00 am
1)逢short adj.都加er,咁two-syllable adj.呢?有冇分一Dtwo-syllable adj.要加er,,另外個D加more or the most係前??

2)Helen wants a bigger car.點解要寫bigger而5寫big呢??

3)'How far is it to the station?A mile?'
'No,it's further.About two miles.'<<點解要寫further而5寫far呢??

4)'You must be more careful.'<<點解5只寫careful呢??

5)[modern]<一字係轉more modern 嗎?仲有冇一Dtwo-syllable adj.同佢一樣5加er呢??

6)more bigger同much bigger 有咩分別??



我想你地今日答到我呀..真係ho 急~~!!唔該哂呀!!!!!!!!好心幫下啦~~``

請幫幫手吧>.< 簡單答到己經可以T_T

回答 (1)

2008-10-22 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 1-syllable adj 加er,2-syllable adj or 以上用more or the most係前.
exceptions除了2-syllable adj 字後面係 -y, -er, -le, -ow 如
happy happier
clever cleverer
subtle subtler
hollow hollower

2)Helen wants a bigger car.點解要寫bigger而5寫big呢??
你可以寫big只是意思唔同, bigger係大d

3)'How far is it to the station?A mile?'
'No,it's further.About two miles.'<<點解要寫further而5寫far呢??
farther farthest形容靜態的距離, 如地方與地方之間,
而further furthest形容動態的距離,如走路多遠

4)'You must be more careful.'<<點解5只寫careful呢??
跟2)題一樣,你可以寫careful只是意思唔同, more careful係多小心d.

5)[modern]<一字係轉more modern 嗎?仲有冇一Dtwo-syllable adj.同佢一樣5加er呢??
係呀,more modern

6)more bigger同much bigger 有咩分別??
more bigger 冇人用,衹用much bigger

7)as happy as 一樣咁快樂
I am as heavy as you 我同你一樣咁重磅

good better best
bad worse worst
much more most
many more most
little less least
little smaller smallest

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