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less than ideal 解「未如理解」
可以放在noun的前面(用作compound adjective, 即例子2), 又或者放在noun後面, 用作adjective phrase (即例子3).
例子1不加hyphen的用法都可以接受. 但如果同時有多個adjective用在noun (working conditions)的前面, 就需要用hyphen去將less than ideal連起來.
New Canadian immigrants face less than ideal working conditions
July 9, 2008 (Toronto, ON) – Recent immigrants not only have poorer job situations than Canadian-born workers, but immigrant men are also twice as likely to sustain workplace injuries that require medical care compared with men born in Canada.
加拿大的新移民不單面對未如理想的工作環境, 而且遇上工傷的機會率亦比當地人高出兩倍.
Tips for gardening in less-than-ideal places
Gardening in little or no direct sunlight can be a problem. The same holds true for gardening where there’s poor drainage or chronic rain. But if you know what plants to grow in these places, you can garden just about anywhere. 園藝小貼示: 如何在未如理想的地方種植? 例如缺少或者全無陽光照射, 去水情況差加上長期雨水等問題都令種植困難.
Treatment for Patients with Schizophrenia is Less Than Ideal 提供予精神分裂症病患者的治療未如理想