Geometric sequence question

2008-10-12 7:58 pm
The sum of three numbers is 9 and their product is -216. Find the three numbers if they form a geometric sequence.
(please show detailed steps)

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2008-10-12 9:07 pm
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The three number form a geometric sequence.
Let a, ar and ar2 be the three numbers.

a + ar + ar2 = 9 ...... (1)
aŸ(ar)Ÿ(ar2) = -216 ...... (2)

a3r3 = -216
(ar)3 = (-6)3
ar = -6
r = -6/a ...... (3)

Put (3) into (1):
a + a(-6/a) + a(-6/a)2 = 9
a - 6 + 36/a = 9
Multiply each term on both sides by a:
a2 - 6a + 36 = 9a
a2 - 15a + 36 = 0
(a - 3)(a - 12) = 0
a = 3 or a = 12

When a = 3:
r = -6/3
r = -2
ar = 3 x (-2)
ar = -6
ar2 = 3 x (-2)2
ar2 = 12

When a = 12
r = 6/(-12)
r = (-1/2)
ar = 12 x (-1/2)
ar = -6
ar2 = 12 x (-1/2)2
ar2 = 3

Ans: The three numbers are 3, -6, 12.

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