Who have seen Freaky Friday?

2008-10-12 6:32 pm
teach me :
True ( T ) or False ( F )?
1. Mom(Tess) is a single parent who has to juggle work and family.
2. Tess is remarried on Saturday.
3. Anna is band has a chance of attending an audition after Mum,s wedding.
4. Anna is excited about her mom,s wedding.

Click on the icon''Get Freaky''
What do you think will happen to them?

Guess the meaning of ''Freaky''

Mum rehearsal dinner is on ________ .

How does Anna give her mom a new look?

回答 (1)

2008-10-12 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案

What do you think will happen to them?
I think they would go to another place that nobody's there^^

Guess the meaning of ''Freaky''
I think it means something strange

How does Anna give her mom a new look?
When she becomes her mom,, she went to cut her hair and make holes on her ears,and buy many clothes that are very sexy.

2008-10-12 11:28:57 補充:
Mum rehearsal dinner is on the day which Anna's band had a chance to attend an audition .

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