How do i memorize pi good?

2008-10-11 3:43 pm
I need to memorize a lot of it by Tuesday,
and i looked for songs and such on youtube,
but non were good.
whats a good memorizing idea?
or a good youtube video im missing?
ten points best answer.

回答 (9)

2008-10-14 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have 750 memorized, so I'll share how I do it. I start with 50 digits...

from here i split into groups of three

141 592 653, etc

I guess 4's is ok too, but i find that anything less is too slow moving and anything more is too overwhelming, 3 is personally my favorite, but see what's best for you.

I use dates to help me a lot. Like if the series was 522, I think May 22. Make sure you don't continue another set of 50 until you know the ones you've started. The worst thing is to be at 400 and realize you've forgotten 200-250. Also to help practice in review I use what I call a pi pyramid. For each set of 50 I write down...


It helps to add on little by little.
2008-10-11 3:55 pm
How I wish I could determine pi
Eureka! cried the great inventor
Christmas pudding christmas pie
Is the problem's very centre.

3.141592.... count the number of letter in each word
2008-10-14 10:54 pm
Okay, first of all, if you're doing this for a test, then most teachers will take 3.14. Just though you'd like to know.

Synesthesia/visual learning people:
I memorized about twenty of the numbers in twenty minutes by doing this:
First, I found 500 digits of it on the internet and pasted it into a word document. Then I made each digit a certain(~) color than the one beside it. I started off with 3.14, put a space between it and the rest to keep my place, and repeated it in my head five times, focused on the colors. That's the basis you should start with, because if you can remember the beginning then you have a better chance at remembering the rest. Then I moved the space over one, so that I had 3.414, and did the same with it. Then I moved the space again, did the same, and so on.
~the color method might only work for me because I have synesthesia. I don't know. But every number had a color and every color has a number in my mind, so I guess I kind of memorized the colors too.

Kinetic Leaners/Visual Learners: a good way to memorize pie is to hand write it like this over and over again, while looking at a copy:
and so on. Then do it again once you get to the number of digits you want.

ANOTHER way is to draw a circle with a bunch of little circles inside of it, equally spaced, and then copy the numbers of pie onto the lines in a colorful pen. This is what my visual learner friend did.

LIstening Leaners:
do the same 3.14, 3.141, 3.1415, 3.14159... thing as the visual learners, but say it aloud.
2008-10-11 3:48 pm
Pi well, pi well.
2014-05-05 5:55 pm
One way is to recite part by part, which can be useful for association with dates and stuff, or to actually copy the digits over and over, which is also a practical way but is more boring.

You can also use a memory story like said by Blueflash, which you can again associate digits with things and make a story out of it. The method I used is actually listen and recite pi songs. These ways are more fun to do and can also increase your motivation on it.
2008-10-11 4:08 pm
Pi=3.1416 has worked for me in engineering from early 80's.
Do NOT waste your memory for non-scence stuff.
We used to have a c...zy teacher who made us memorize Log's of 1 to 10,this was before the invention of pocket calculators.
The people who invented pocket calculator DID NOT WASTED
THEIR EXPENCIVE MEMORY on the homeworks of these kind of
2008-10-11 3:53 pm
how far do you need to know? I only know 3.14, but am a trainee accountant so I don't think anymore is nessecary!
2008-10-11 3:52 pm
uhm.. just keep repeating the numbers, saying them out loud. For me, that's the most effective way.

Hope this helps :)
2008-10-11 3:48 pm
Use a memory story.

Convert each number into an image, e.g. one=bun, two=shoe, three=tree, four=door etc. up to 9.

Create a story for each group of five/ten numbers including the items representing each number. For example, you imagine a tree which has a bun in it, and in the bun there is one bun door which has a hive of bees inside, etc. for 3.1415

Remember several stories one after another. If you want you can remember two digits at a time, but that requires 99 images representing each two digit number.

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